miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Baby's Food Tastes Good!

Hey! is been a long time ! (:
So here I started this post in my mind a days a go and different ideas went trough my mind and how and what about this post will be, so basically there are some things in my life general with no work related (:

Days a go a went to buy a couple of books because I couldn't find the other books I was searching for hahaha which is funny that when a have money to buy something it's always almost impossible for me to find it but well I'm always find a way (: and the thing is when I was about to leave the place I saw a flyer about a festival of contemporary dance, there where many events but I only could attend to one that was only available for to nights called Children + A few minutes of Lock with the awesome dancer Louise Lecavalier <3 but first I must say as far as the dance is concerned, I'm a complet ignorant, I'm always wanted to attend to one of this type of event and seeing the special of the occasion I said: What the hell, Fuck it! I wanna go then I fucking go! so I saved myself to be a complet ignorant about it for another day of my life (: what I witnessed there was beyond my expectation because I had none and thanks to that it was fucking magic!, no words can describe it, only by the presence of the act can be feel it.

In other order of ideas, is almost Halloween and Dia de los Muertos I always liked this holidays even when as the years past by they start to don't have the same effect in my atmospherical's perception of the world that they had when I was a kid. Here is when one of my favorite movies of all times comes to play: -Ginger's Snaps- so I decided to do a recommendation of this film to whoever read this (:

And finally I'm gonna drop some tunes to fit the upcoming days (: 

Happy Halloween! (:

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

I've got an F and a C and I got a K too And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like you!

Fuck man! is hot as hell here! @_@ !
The other my little nephew give one of the best critics I have received at the moment :'D
I was showing her some of my drawings and she said mmmm... you only draw dudes what happen when you want to draw girls and other stuff you're doing wrong there. Fuck!!! right in the heart! and in the brain! she is so right to draw and paint involve all my surrounding and stuff in life, I always learn a lot from her <3 and she is only 4 years old!

Well, this time I will droop only a still life I do today I spent almost all the afternoon D:
Fucking folds they're a motherfucking bitches!

I don't even use that cellphone anymore xD ! but what the fuck! I do what I want! 

And for the music section hahaha I'm listening a lot of the Castlevania soundtracks so here is one of my favorites! <3

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

But, what the hell do I know anyway?

I had and idea for this post that I totally forget ._.
But well shit happens xD !
Just and update (:
Today I tested zbrush and I really liked <3 :3

A couple? of days a go, a chrysalis that I breed finally open up and a beautiful butterfly came from the inside and is called Gulf Fritillary a.k.a Passion butterfly (:

And if someone is asking what the hell is he doing with his life don't worry I'm pretty much rolling on my bed or drunk as fuck and sleeping with bitches <3 (;


jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Cowabunga, Motherfucker!

So! @_@ ! Here I am. My name is Eduardo Matías and this is my personal-art blog where I will post from time to time, drawings, digital painting studies, artworks and some shit that happen in my head.
FromABrokenHand is because this and so many things in my life are unleashed by the fact that I broke my hand [the one with I draw, paint, etc] one and a half year ago and from that point on I decided to change my life. 

Man, some serious shit happen in that time! 

So here is my first post some studies! (:
