miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

But, what the hell do I know anyway?

I had and idea for this post that I totally forget ._.
But well shit happens xD !
Just and update (:
Today I tested zbrush and I really liked <3 :3

A couple? of days a go, a chrysalis that I breed finally open up and a beautiful butterfly came from the inside and is called Gulf Fritillary a.k.a Passion butterfly (:

And if someone is asking what the hell is he doing with his life don't worry I'm pretty much rolling on my bed or drunk as fuck and sleeping with bitches <3 (;


jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Cowabunga, Motherfucker!

So! @_@ ! Here I am. My name is Eduardo Matías and this is my personal-art blog where I will post from time to time, drawings, digital painting studies, artworks and some shit that happen in my head.
FromABrokenHand is because this and so many things in my life are unleashed by the fact that I broke my hand [the one with I draw, paint, etc] one and a half year ago and from that point on I decided to change my life. 

Man, some serious shit happen in that time! 

So here is my first post some studies! (:
